It’s an initiative from PWAN GROUP, which allows you to trade real estate and make profits of up to 40% over 12 months.

A. Payment Receipt
B. Contract of Sale
C. Post-Dated Cheque

The ultimate goal is to not only encourage clients to invest in real estate but also to provide assurance of being able to dispense these temporary assets within acceptable timelines.

Sometimes, a major discouragement for investors looking to invest in landed property is having the time or expertise to resell and cash out on these investments on specific timetables. At this juncture, questions surrounding being able to sell the land on time or dealing with land grabbers will arise.

A Development Associate at real estate firm, PWAN, Simon Etim, in a chat with our correspondent, underlined a real estate company’s role in dispensing landed assets within a desirable timeframe as the fundamental point drawing investors to key into the idea

According to him, while land banking could be done by any individual without necessarily enlisting the services of a property firm, certain intricacies could hurt the investment.

He said, “The idea of land banking is this, we call it ‘buy to sell.’  You buy land, and the company sells it for you. You don’t worry if the land is going to be sold or not. The company will usually give you a time frame. Twelve months is the longest time frame. At the expiration of the timeframe, the company is expecting to have sold that land and made a profit from it. That profit becomes your interest.

“The interest for a 12-month period is normally 40 percent. Let’s say you invest N10m on land, the company will give you a post-dated cheque for N14m. At the expiration of the timeframe, the investor can cash that cheque and return the documents to the company. That means the land has been sold for you. You don’t have to bother about looking for a buyer.”

***(Extracts from Punch Online News, published 27.09.2022, link below)

***(Video info, please click below)

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