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PWAN ATLANTICS celebrates the newest celebrity King in the diaspora...✨✨✨ Lagoon View by Atlantics is done and dusted. Join us to celebrate Dr. Peter Odion Agwi our latest Real Estate Celebrity for his milestone achievement in selling Lagoon View by Atlantics. Selling Atlantics brands gives everyone full joy. We so much appreciate your persistence as a good team player with the Real Estate Celebrity family (PWAN ATLANTICS).

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A BIG CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 To our esteemed PBO, Agwi Peter Odion. We appreciate your efforts in keeping our business on and going. It is because of Realtors like you and your clients that we are still in business. Also, here's a big thank you for pushing and selling LagoonView by Lighthouse and OceanView by Lighthouse (Phase 1 & 2). You have amplified the trust our customers have in our estates and their potential. From all of us at PWAN Lighthouse, developers of the Lighthouse Series, we say thank you. Cheers to bigger sales.


PWAN Team Manager

PWAN Team Manager

We are registered in Nigeria under CAC No. 6994586 and duly registered with PWAN as a PBO.

Our team consists of experienced real estate agents as well as architects and technical services support personnel.

We provide our customers with maximum value through our services and the goals and requirements of our customers shall shape our thinking and activities.

We specialize in the provision of a comprehensive range of real estate services including sourcing landed properties for development for our clients, as well as already built properties.

Buying properties has been a challenge for us, especially those in the diaspora, hence this one-stop shop is set up to meet those challenges thereby making it a pleasant and funfair experience for you. All our processes are transparent, and you will be updated all the way through.

We talk to you to know your needs and start immediately to direct resources towards meeting your goals by searching for the right property in the right location for you. You will be updated on all the work stages including the evaluation of short-listed properties, site inspection visits, and actual negotiation and application processes and acquisition.

And we do not stop there, for, after a successful acquisition, we will be there in case of after-sales services like documentation, design and development, renovations where applicable, and installation of utility services, telephone, internet, gas, water, electricity, etc.

Check out our properties page to see the current properties available for sale or rent and if you do not see what you are looking for! then use the WhatsApp link to get in touch with us and we will take it up from there and we shall get back to you within 24 hours

Let us know how we can serve you.



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